I would like to bring the information into knowledge of all the members of our Society, SMC, Teaching and
Non-Teaching staff that the VIOS inspection by CBSE on 21/10/2020 has been suspended after 30 minutes
of start due to poor network inside the school campus though 10 MBPS optical fiber broad band with Wi-Fi
network has been set up in the school premises. With due request of undersigned , the IC-Members of the
board has postponed the Inspection and rescheduled to Monday , 26/10/2020 at 9:00 AM. Hence , all the
teaching and non-teaching staff are requested to present in the school at 8:00 AM on 26/10/2020 and
extend their full co-operation to make the inspection successful. At the same time management is
requested to take all possible steps in this rural area to set up the high speed network in the school campus
for smooth conduct of Inspection without any interruption. The transport department , Administrative
department , Account Department, Library I/C, All Lab I/C, PET, Examination I/C, Activity I/C , POSH and
POCSH I/C , Group –D ,Academic Supervisor , Academic coordinator, different club I/C ,Floor I/C, Store I/C
and I/C of other department are requested to get ready with their evidence without any fear in their mind .
Sanyasi Pradhan