23 Years of Excellence


Library Rules

  • Enter and Exit the library with silence in a line.
  • Books will be issued / Returned in Library period only.
  • Every student (VI-XII) will be provided with one book for seven days (7 days).However, the book can be reissued provided no other student has intended to take the same.
  • Books will be issued to the student, who comes with valid identity Card, Library Card, or the fee Card.
  • Books must be returned within prescribed period, otherwise Rs.1/-(One Rupee) per day per book will be charged for the days found overdue.
  • The student must examine the exact condition of the book at the time of issue from Library.
  • On returning of any book, it will be examined by librarian. In case of damage or lose of book, double the price of the book will be charged. No further book will be issued till the amount is deposited with the school library.

Library Instructions

  • No articles, expect pen and note books are allowed inside the library hall and room.
  • Any type of damages of books-like tearing / tracing / marking / putting remarks, under line etc. should not be made. Failing this, the report will be made to school authority for fixing of fine.
  • Strict silence should be maintained in Library room / hall to avail the benefit of study and let others be benefied.
  • Make use of the library in a constructive way.